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Welcome to the Permit & License Customer Portal!


We're excited to introduce this new platform as part of our transition from the previous customer portal. The new Civics Customer Portal will provide a more streamlined experience for submitting applications and uploading plans. You can also pay for other items such as Rental-Registration fees, Multiple-Dwelling fees, Business & Trade License fees, Inspection fees, Board-Up fees, Cut-Clean fees, Graffiti cleanup fees, Traffic Violation Payment Plan fees, and Demoliton Payment Plan fees. Simply click on On-Time Payment above.

If you have an existing account on our previous DynamicPortal website, you do not need to create a new account here. Your username is the email address you have on file for your DynamicPortal account.  You will only need to reset your password first before you can login.


Use the links on the right to apply for common permit types.

To apply for other permit types, click on the "Apply for a Permit" link on the page header.


If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to: 

MIS Helpdesk at (716) 851-5450

John Caputo at (716) 851-4111

Cody Osborne at (716) 851-4919



You're welcome to visit us in person at 301 City Hall

Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM